MST: Jennette's Pier to Jockey's Ridge State Park
On Friday September 4th, 2020 I set out on a section hike of the MST at Clingmans Dome with the hope of finishing on my birthday weekend. Knowing all the scheduling and logistics hurdles I had along the way I'm amazed I'm finishing just 3 days behind my original thoughts. None of this could have been possible without all the support from my family with shuttles, lodging and child care. Most importantly the support form my wife whom I pitched this grand idea as a pretty easy logistical undertaking :). I know I've been to Jockey's Ridge in the past but I don't really remember it at all so it will be fun to finish off at what will feel like a new place.
leaving the beach |
Miles: 5.4
Weather: Hot, humid, short rain.
Camping: End of the trail!
It stormed all night long so although it would have been nice to camp out on the trail for the final night I was content being dry and eating a large breakfast as the rain fell this morning. With just 5.4 miles to go I was in no rush so mostly we went about our normal morning routine with the kids and breakfast. My aunt was going to drop me off this morning and then she along with my wife and kids were going to meet me over at the State Park to walk up to the finish. Around 8:30 it started to look like there would be a break in the weather for some unknown time so I finished gathering water and snacks in my pack and headed out to get on the trail. I started at Jennette's Pier around 9:30 and it was already hot! This was the weather I was afraid I would've had all week long. I'm so glad that was not the case. At one point a brief rain shower caught up with me so I pulled out the umbrella but ultimately it passed without much fan fare.
This section of beach understandably was the most crowded that I have been on thus far. The walking was pretty easy with a lower tide and there were not as many fishing lines to duck under. One thing I noticed though was the reduction in shorebirds. This is why they shut down the beach in other parts. As I walked through the area yesterday with no houses, no cars and a lack of humans the birds were numerous. Today there is a noticeable difference. It reminds me of some data presented in a book "The Nature of Nature" on areas of the ocean set aside as no catch areas. The benefits in even small areas being shut off can be so great.
As I looked ahead for the beach access that I would take I finally saw some familiar faces. My older boys came running with their signs for Snacktime! Most would probably have done this well before but for the first time on this journey I rolled my pants up and walked into the ocean to officially complete the mountains to the sea. Don't worry I made sure before doing this to ask my wife if they had a faucet at the access so I could get all the sand off me after the fact. We headed inland and towards the dunes at Jockey's Ridge. The view once you head over the first small hill is pretty cool. The hike up to what appears to be the highest ridge is quick and easy. Just like that the journey is done! It was such a quick and relaxing trip my youngest being carried up by my wife just slept through the whole ordeal.
We headed to a nearby hot dog stand for lunch where it started raining lightly. It would pour off and on the rest of the day so we timed it pretty well.
Total MST miles complete: 1180.1 (by my count)
I'll have a final post with some trail stats and thoughts. Thanks for reading, hope you will take the time to get out and explore on your own and push yourself whatever distance is best for you.
Awesome journey! Thanks for giving others a view of your travels!